This course outlines the dangers posed by Mother Nature and how science, codes, testing and methods have been developed to a platform upon which to build and combat these forces. We will also address how proper incorporation of martials including continuous insulation and air and weather-barrier systems will improve indoor air quality and contribute to environmental sustainability.
- Learn About the Science Behind Thermal, Air, Vapor and Water Control for Steel Stud Construction
- Provide an Understanding of Rainscreen Systems and how they can Enhance Building Design; improving Building Performance and Longevity, while improving the Indoor Environment and contribute to Environmental Sustainability.
- Discover How POLYISO and ACM/MCM can work together Meeting Requirements and Outperform Traditional Methods in High Wind conditions and meet NFPA-285 Wall Assembly requirements
- Interpret the Code Requirements for Building Envelope Design and Performance
- Examine How to Develop and Test a Solution for the Issues Presented
Presenter: Matt Stevens, Associate AIA, CSI, CCPR, CDT, REWO
Building Envelope & Architectural Consultant
Sika Corporation